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Mediterranean Lifestyle and successful aging in older immigrant Greeks



Each component of the Mediterranean Lifestyle, including the Mediterranean diet, physical activity, adequate rest, stress-relief, socializing and conviviality have been found to be beneficial for successful aging and quality of life. It is expected that immigrant Greeks in the US may have lower adherence to the Mediterranean Lifestyle due to different environmental characteristics than those living in Greece. As such, we hypothesize that multiple benefits may be seen by those adhering to the whole healthy Mediterranean lifestyle pattern.


The aim of the present study is to evaluate the overall relationship between this healthy lifestyle pattern and successful aging of older immigrant Greeks living in the US as well as to identify potential barriers that preclude the immigrant Greeks living in the US from following the Mediterranean lifestyle. 


Start date: July 1st, 2018

End date: Ongoing​



MEDIS - (MEDiterranean Islands Study)


The MEDIS (MEDiterranean Islands Study) is a health and nutrition related survey of older people (>65 years) living in the Mediterranean islands.


The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationships between socio-demographic, clinical, lifestyle (activities and dietary habits) and psychological characteristics and the presence of various cardiovascular disease risk factors, as well as trajectories of successful aging, among elderly individuals without history of chronic disease, living in all Mediterranean Islands, and in the Mediterranean region, in general.


The study has a longitudinal design with plans for 5 and 10 years of follow-up. 


Start date: June 15th, 2005

End date: Ongoing​

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